Monday, August 11, 2008


Graphite on Bond paper 2.1 x 3.1 inches
Private collectionGraphite on Bond 11 x 17 inches
Private collection
Graphite,pencil crayon,chalk on mat board 11 x 17 inches
Private collection
Acrylic on watercolor paper 6.5 x 9.5 inches
Private collection
This is the very first traditional painting I've done in 15 years. I was so excited to finally attempt a traditional painting. It felt great to "brush" the cobwebs away and pick up my palette. I can't wait to do more! The tone drawing and color guide took awhile to do and proved invaluable to the outcome of the finished painting.

1 comment:

Beardnick said...

Your work is absolutely some of the best I have seen... ever.

and I kind of pride myself on being a snob about this sort of thing.

Thank you so much for sharing!