Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The kind people over at DarkHorse comics have published a 2 part, 8 page comic prelude to our next story arc in Star Wars Darktimes. Here is the link---

So, to do my part, here is the cover in pencil and paint, to Star Wars DarkTimes #13 coming soon, as well as some of the pencils for the preview, unlettered and not colored.


JHB said...

As I told you on your Facebook album, your art is amazing! These pages are real paintings!
It deserves a larger scan :)
But on the other hand, I had the chance to see some original art and I know it's almost the size of a comic book. Which is once again... AMAZING!

Erik Sveinson said...

The pencils to that cover just blow me away. Yet another amazing piece, Doug!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the scans. Nice to see how work like this is given life. Do you follow the "grisaille" technique?

Anonymous said...

oops! Sorry about that. I just answered my own question. Found the answer on your "Process" page in the colour guide example.

Doug said...

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner,



The technique I use is "under painting", there are two types, Verdaccio and Grisaille

The "Grisaille" technique is painting in a monochromatic grey or brown to simulate architecture and relief sculpture.

Verdaccio is the type I use most, it's mixture of mars black and yellow ochre resulting in a grayish or yellowish soft green depending on how you prepare it.

I use my "pencils" as a under painting when painting with the computer, the pencil "warms" the computer color or paint for me, gives it a more natural feel. In traditional painting, I also would rather do an under painting, this monochromatic layer can be painted in any color the artist wishes. Sepia, Grey, and green are the most common colors used in an monochromatic under painting, and some artists have employed a full range of color to their underpaintings.

Gettis, JHB, AND ERIC,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the clarification. I have seen these terms in books before but the subtlety of the difference between them gets lost on me.

In your body of work what was the first publication where the editors and publishers allowed you to try something so complex and time consuming? Was there a cover piece where you first tried applying the Verdaccio technique?

It was definitely after Marvel, hints of it in Aliens and Superman and fully expressed in today Star Wars work. It’s somewhere in between. But the question is, where?

If there is, then please list the title and issue number and I will order it today.


Doug said...


deadline crunches.

I used this technique for quit some time, maybe it slipped into Aliens a bit but Star Wars EPIII is where I employed the tone intentionally.

Peebo said...

Detailed very detailed, Doug. While I was in WPG a long time ago I was watching Chris color one of your SW pages. Each panel is a complete scene. You're a hard working artist and you deserve the recognitions!!! :D